Zucchini finale
Simple Beauty
Today marks the end of daylight savings here in Victoria. I do love daylight savings and am always a little sad when it ends. Hello winter my old friend.
From a gardening perspective the autumn harvest is fabulous and today I have been madly making eggplant kasundi. My zucchinis are also still pumping, so I thought I might pick some of the flowers and have with a beer in the glorious autumnal sun! My sister and I go mad for zucchini flowers, stuffed, unstuffed, deep fried or shallow fried! Hello zucchini flowers! The zucchini plant produces male and female flowers, with the latter being attached to the fruit. I pick and eat both – YUM!!!! I LOVE the female flowers when they are still attached to a baby zucchini.
Depending on how my garden is travelling I stuff my zucchini flowers with buffalo mozzarella, basil I am loving purple basil this summer) and tomatoes (don’t forget seasoning – the cheese needs it). My sister just stuffs them straight with feta and the seasoning is all within the cheese – a quick version!
I make a delicious beer batter with a cup or two (depending on how much you intend on making) of self raising flour, freshly ground salt and pepper, and enough cold beer to make a runny batter to dip your flowers in. If I can be bothered I will deep fry them, otherwise a shallow fry in a pan is just as yummy. Today I could be bothered with the deep fry, It’s my little good-bye to summer.
Beer battered zucchini flowers, perfect with a cold beer on an autumn afternoon x
Enjoy my loves! Xox
PS – If you want the recipe for the eggplant kasundi – it’s in my book... ‘A Homegrown Table’ – it’s kinda rad... actually is bloody awesome!